This is THE BOOTLEG SIXTIES, the longest- running show we’re involved with. It came from a concept we’d been working on with our friends The Overtures, and over the past twelve years it has developed into quite a beast ! From its’ humble beginnings at Leeds Queens Hall, the show is now the biggest, best and slickest of its’ kind, touring the UK and Europe to huge acclaim, and even having enjoyed a residency in Las Vegas. The quality of the musicianship and production is unrivalled, and the show is constantly being upgraded to make sure that it remains the leading Sixties show touring today.



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          THE BOOTLEG EIGHTIES show made its’ debut in Holland in late 2019

to great reviews, and will be goingback out to Europe 2025 




THE BOOTLEG ROCK SHOW was launched in the UK in the spring of 

2023 , and will be returning to the stage next year



You don’t get to the final of The Voice UK without an amazing set of pipes, and that’s exactly what JOLAN is blessed with. On that show he blew the audience and judges away with a stunning rendition of Princes’ “ Purple Rain”, so it was a natural progression for him to develop his love of Princes’ music into a full – blown show. This is no “lookalike” knock-off, though….it’s a heartfelt and beautifully executed appreciation of the man’s music. With a catalogue of hundreds of classic songs to choose from, a voice that has to be heard to be believed and a virtuoso band, there’s no way this show can possibly fail. Don’t come expecting to see someone in a bad wig and purple suit doing a bad impression of the Minneapolis Magician….this is waaaaay more classy. The Revolution starts here….