We’ve been around the block a time or two. In fact, with nearly ninety years of combined experience between them, there’s not much that the partners, Arthur Anderson and Tony Henderson don’t know about the music industry. Here at Transmedia742.Net we put all of that expertise to full use. From world tours to product launches, video shoots to festival production, we do it all. We’ve added another string to our bow now, too, because we’ve started producing our own shows…you can read all about this in the Shows section of the menu.
The Transmedia742.Net story really started in that infamous hotbed of rock & roll….. Bedford. A record producer / sound engineer met a tour manager / event organiser while working on an international music project, and an alliance was forged that lasts to this day. Over the years there have been some bumps in the road, some three-point turns and even the odd stall, but in the end the direction has always been forward. We believe in “ can do “, and we’ve always applied the same criteria…..do the best work, with the best tools and the best people, for the best price. Whether the event is a small vocal PA system for a school concert, AV support for a sales conference, or full festival production and logistics, we approach everything with the same level of professionalism and attention to detail.
Whoever you are, no matter how big or how small, if you need it, we can supply it…..sound, lighting, staging, AV, live and studio recording, tour, stage and production management, crew services, transportation and logistics, admin support…we do it all. And now, through our Dutch – based affiliate VOF Transmedia Europe, we can offer UK – based artists a path to help them negotiate their way through the post – Brexit minefield. There is no doubt that the touring landscape in particular has now changed beyond all recognition, but we prepared ourselves for the challenges, and we’re ready for whatever we have to deal with. So who are the people behind Transmedia742.Net ? Read on….